
Empowering Your Dream, Financially

Anamika Sahu, Managing EditorWhat else do you need in the current turbulent times than a financial plan that will secure your present and your future? Earning is though important, putting them on work to earn more for you is equally important. But then putting the eggs in the right baskets is the trick. Just like Warren Buffet said, ‘Don’t put all eggs in one basket’hence, the art of selecting the baskets should be left to the artists. While we all have different short and long term plans with our investments selecting this right basket that will provide you required benefits much on time, without much amplified
heart beats is the work on financial experts.

We rightly don’t have dearth of people claiming to be financial experts, but it is always up to us to find if they actually can create that magic. While one of my friends lost several lakhs of rupees when trading through a hearsay financial expert, it is clear that we need more than self-acclaimed experts we need work credibility and word-of-mouth advocates who can vouch on the financial experts’ ability. But finding such magicians are a task in itself.

Hence, to help you with your financial dreams, we at siliconindia bring to you ‘10 Most Promising Financial Investment Planning Companies - 2020’. We have carefully selected and then shortlisted the featured companies post months of due diligence. Their services are uniquely delivered with the twist of customization for every client. We also bring to you the story of ‘Wealthman India: Dawning an Era of Education Based Consultative Approach in Financial Planning Industry’. Under the leadership of Rajen Gala(Founder), the company is on the mission to enhance the financial literacy among the young minds of the country and thus create a well informed ecosystem. Read to know more about them.
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