
Gearing Up Your Commute Experiences

With integrated technology prowess in automobiles today, the industry is significantly eyeing the concept of autonomous and connected mobility. There have been several positive advancements in the automotive space over the years now. Providing the vehicle drivers the preference with driving patterns, the automotive vehicles have charted a list of features like navigation, smart devices connectivity, touch screen infotainment panels, parking assistance and much more. The AI emphasized automotive features have added on to this experience, leveraging a close human like connection making the machine talk and decide for us.

While environment sustainability is a global concern the Electric vehicles have contributed significantly joining the performing list of vehicles. According to reports, the Indian automotive market is poised to reach a capex of about $3 billion in 2023, representing a year-over-year growth of 24 percent. While this growth is attributed by a number of factors such as personal mobility, clear and accessible financing options, improving road infrastructure, and the rising EVs popularity, the Automotive industry is set to make a huge move towards growth in the near future. There are many Automotive franchises pioneering the space setting up their ventures for different Automotive brands. Through our current edition, '10 Most Promising Franchises in Automotive Sector - 2023’get to know about some the key players domineering the market. This list is outcome of our editorial board and business heads’ extensive research of the field. Do read through and let us know your feedback!