• Epixelsoft: Steering Businesses To Success With Smart Solutions
  • Cover Story

    Epixelsoft: Steering Businesses To Success With Smart Solutions

    Today, the most common method for launching a start-up is using a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test a business plan. An MVP has the functionality necessary to draw in early adopters and verify a product idea at an early stage of the product development cycle. This approach can assist the product team in obtaining customer input as rapidly as possible in sectors like the software so that they can iterate and enhance the product. MVP is essential to agile development since it is founded on the idea that products should be validated and improved through user feedback. Established in 2011 as a proprietorship and then in 2014 as a partnership company, EPIXELSOFT is an MVP development firm that has consistently worked to enhance its own skills and extend them beyond the customer’s...
