
Life Insurance Quote Comparison: Know Why IT's Important

Wednesday, 27 July 2022, 17:00 IST
The premium cost of a life insurance policy is represented by a life insurance quote. Obtaining life insurance quote is essential in order to compare various life insurance policies easily and make an informed decision. You can get an idea of the premiums you will have to pay to get a specific life insurance plan from life insurance quotes.

When filling out life insurance quotes, you must include details about the life assured's age, medical records/history, occupation, lifestyle, and personal habits, such as alcohol and tobacco use, as well as the coverage amount, or sum assured, and coverage time, or policy term, which are all considered when determining the life insurance premium.

Now that you have understood why comparing life insurance quotes is important, you’d be able to select the right life insurance policy for yourself

Factors Influencing Life Insurance Quotes
Following are some of the elements that have an impact on a life insurance plan's premium quote.

1.Life Insurance Plan Type:
There are various life insurance plan types, each with a unique premium structure. For example, reducing term plans often have lower premiums than growing or convertible term plans.

2.Lifestyle Habits(Alcohol/Tobacco Consumption):
A life insurance plan's premium is also influenced by the lifestyle habits of the life assured. Unhealthy lifestyle choices like smoking or drinking alcohol result in comparatively higher premium costs.

3.Policy Term:
The length of time that a life insurance plan is in effect is known as the policy term. Numerous insurance companies also provide whole life term insurance plans, which cover the life assured until age 99. The policy term has a positive relationship with the premium for a life insurance plan; therefore, the longer the term, the higher the premium and the longer the period of coverage.

4.Sum Assured Amount:
Sum assured is the amount that will be paid to the nominee in the terrible event that the life assured passes away. The premium increases in direct proportion to the sum assured.

5.Medical History of the Life Assured:
The medical history of the life assured is another element that influences the premium of a life insurance policy. The premium is cheaper the healthier the life is promised.

6.Age of Life Insured:
The cost of the premium is also influenced by the age of the life assured; the higher the age of the life assured, the higher the cost of the premium.

It's critical to consider the riders over the base policy while assessing a life insurance policy quote. You will find several riders to add while you look for a life insurance policy and strategies to improve its coverage. Make sure you choose the appropriate rider rather than the cheapest one. Making a sensible choice would be crucial because the rider would serve a purpose for you and cost you more money.

8.Charges for Policy Lapse:
All life insurance plans have a Policy Lapse provision attached to them. When analyzing the quote, it's crucial to keep policy lapse fees in mind since if you don't pay your insurance premium by the deadline and it finally lapses, you'll have to pay fees to revive it.

9.Tax Benefits:
One of the most important aspects of a life insurance policy is its tax component. Keep in mind that it's crucial to consider the tax advantages of your life insurance quote. Learn that Section 80C of the tax code provides benefits for your life insurance coverage. Additionally, under Section 10, there would be a tax exemption on the maturity amount (10D).

A bank deposit is an easy and practical way to set away a set amount for paying a life insurance premium. One of the easiest to open, manage, and withdraw, it is also one of the safest. There are two main types of deposits: Fixed Deposits (FD) and Recurring Deposits(RD). To get a better understanding to know the difference between FD vs RD.

Fixed Deposits(FD):
For people who have a large sum of money to invest, FDs are a smart choice. Additionally, you can connect it to your savings account. You can pick between a monthly or quarterly payout, making it a fantastic choice for anyone searching for a consistent source of income.

For instance, a retired person can invest retirement benefits in a long-term FD. This will guarantee both the security of their capital and consistent interest payments for their monthly costs.

Salaried employees may invest their annual bonus in an FD and use the money for purposes like investing it further in life insurance, an automobile, or home renovations, among other things.

Recurring Deposit(RD):
You can choose RDs if you don't have a large sum of money to invest but can make small monthly contributions. For instance, you may schedule your regular savings in an RD to coincide with your insurance premium date. This will ensure that an investor has the money they need to continue their term with their chosen life insurance.

Parting Thoughts
Now that you have understood why comparing life insurance quotes is important, you’d be able to select the right life insurance policy for yourself. Even though life insurance is not a mandatory purchase, it’s essential if your goal is to provide financial security to your family in your absence.