Pranay Kumar
Playing its part to eradicate imperishable plastics in India, BioD, a brand of Vasudha Projects Pvt Ltd, headquartered in New Del-hi, offers a range of biodegradable plastic products which can make any type of plastic biodegradable as defined by IS/ISO 15985, anaerobic biodegradation test standard as approved in Plastic Waste Management 2016 and 2018 notifications of Government of India. BioD works with any metro based polymer like PE, PP, PET, and PVC without affecting any physical and chemical proper-ties like strength, process, shelf life, melting point, food contact and others. The firm's product has food-grade lab reports from Indi-an Institute of Packaging, CIPET and Indian Institute of Packaging labs, India. The company, Vasudha Projects founded by Pranay Kumar (CEO) in 2008, is an innovative firm with nanotechnology and microbiology as its forte. Pranay is an electrical engineer and an MBA from Hult and Harvard.
BioD also produces the final products, which are cost-effective and confirm to all scientific and industrial standards. BioD can work in any process like film making, injection moulding, and thermoforming. Currently, the company has clients across India for different types of polymers from PE to PET to BoPET, BoPP and others.
Moreover, the company also ensures shelf life of its products to avoid any bottlenecks in the supply chain. Each product will remain like any non-biodegradable on shelf, warehouse, office, and homes till it is disposed-off in landfills. BioD also provides non-toxic by products to soil, animals, and plants, as there are no physical and chemical property changes in the final products. The company provides all these advantages under global and Indian rules of plastic waste management 2016 and 2018 which is ISO 15985 and ISO 17088.
End of Life Solutions for Last bit of Plastic with Sustainable Innovations
Vasudha Projects is currently developing take-away containers from agro-residue like stalk of wheat, the chaff of rice, cuts of mustard plants and more. Nanotechnology prompting very less amount of process water without any chemical is being used, making it a completely sustainable product that will serve the planet and replace plastic in food plates, bowls, and containers. Additionally, the company is also working with Africa and North America, where they have introduced biodegradable products for food packaging like BoPET and BoPP.

Vasudha's Chief Operating Officer, Dr Sapna Balsara is a microbiologist and a dentist. She plans to make BioD sanitary pad, which will be cost-effective BioD pads accessible to even the economically challenged women. She heads the Integrated Solid Waste Management venture, Greenworks. 60 tons of organic waste and 50 tons of inorganic waste per month are managed by Greenworks.
Further, Vasudha Projects intends to focus on recycling plastic products that are not recyclable like chemical & pesticide containers, pouches, and sanitary pads which cannot be recycled due to the hazardous nature and agriculture mulch film, and BioD milk pouches due to limitations in their collectability. After working on B2B and B2G segments, Vasudha is planning to enter B2C with BioD, biodegradable colour coded garbage and biomedical bags, which will speak loudly for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, catering to a broad market segment in India.
End of Life Solutions for Last bit of Plastic with Sustainable Innovations
Vasudha Projects is currently developing take-away containers from agro-residue like stalk of wheat, the chaff of rice, cuts of mustard plants and more. Nanotechnology prompting very less amount of process water without any chemical is being used, making it a completely sustainable product that will serve the planet and replace plastic in food plates, bowls, and containers. Additionally, the company is also working with Africa and North America, where they have introduced biodegradable products for food packaging like BoPET and BoPP.

Vasudha's Chief Operating Officer, Dr Sapna Balsara is a microbiologist and a dentist. She plans to make BioD sanitary pad, which will be cost-effective BioD pads accessible to even the economically challenged women. She heads the Integrated Solid Waste Management venture, Greenworks. 60 tons of organic waste and 50 tons of inorganic waste per month are managed by Greenworks.
BioD works with any metro based polymer like PE, PP, PET, and PVC without affecting any physical and chemical properties like strength, process, shelf life, melting point, food contact and others
Further, Vasudha Projects intends to focus on recycling plastic products that are not recyclable like chemical & pesticide containers, pouches, and sanitary pads which cannot be recycled due to the hazardous nature and agriculture mulch film, and BioD milk pouches due to limitations in their collectability. After working on B2B and B2G segments, Vasudha is planning to enter B2C with BioD, biodegradable colour coded garbage and biomedical bags, which will speak loudly for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, catering to a broad market segment in India.