Dipl.Ing. Timo Dreher, CTO
Dipl.Ing.Ingo Dreher, CEO
Significantly one of the key manufacturers of turned and milled parts on state-of-the-art CNC machines incorporated in 2000 is Dreher Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH, an Arthur Fischer Innovation series awarded firm. The firm implements continuous quality assurance and work according to the zero-defect strategy. Further, it uses Statistical Process Control (SPC) to monitor and control the production procedure which helps to ensure that all the process operates efficiently. SPC is an industry-standard methodology for measuring and controlling quality during the manufacturing process that emphasizes early detection and
prevention of the problem, rather than correction of problems after they have occurred. All the products manufactured by the firm go under the system of SPC, which aids to measure how consistently a product performs according to its design specifications and reduces the margin of error.
As a powerful and innovative service provider for various applications, the firm also ensures to maintain natural balance and perform in an environmentally friendly manner and use reusable power on a high level. The firm follows applicable laws, orders, environmental and labor standards as described in DIN ISOS 14001 and offers all its products and services only in a statutory framework. Further, the firm does not work towards offering the cheapest price in the market, instead, it lays its emphasis on providing standardized quality products with best in class services while abiding by all the measures concerning to environment and quality. "Maybe, we risk not to be the cheapest supplier but our customer can feel 100 percent sure that we adhere to the worldwide highest standards concerning environment, industrial safety, and a high range in sustainability," signifies Dipl. Ing. Timo Dreher, CTO at Dreher Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH.
Dreher accompanies its customer from their very first idea, through design, preparing final production drawings, prototypes right till the series maturity. It prepares drawings for the customers, search suitable raw material, manufactures the products as per their specification, install parts, and manages the additional purchased parts. For instance, in a project for the BMW AG in 2007 and 2008, Dreher developed, designed, and constructed a `Slipper-Clutch' for the motorbike `Boxer' from BMW. This clutch strongly improves the driving safety of motorbikes. In the meantime, its clutches are installed in series in all motorbikes of considerable motorcycle manufacturers. All in all, Dreher provides end-to-end solutions from the assembly to the purchased parts as per the requirements of the clients. "Difficult and impossible turned parts and milled parts, often even entire assemblies, which fall through the grid of other suppliers with their complexity. Materials that are difficult to machine, extreme geometries, and completely new manufacturing processes are our niche. And we fill this niche very broadly," concludes Dipl.Ing. Ingo Dreher, CEO at Dreher Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH.
Deher lays its emphasis on providing standardized quality products with best in class services while abiding by all the measures concerning to environment and quality
As a powerful and innovative service provider for various applications, the firm also ensures to maintain natural balance and perform in an environmentally friendly manner and use reusable power on a high level. The firm follows applicable laws, orders, environmental and labor standards as described in DIN ISOS 14001 and offers all its products and services only in a statutory framework. Further, the firm does not work towards offering the cheapest price in the market, instead, it lays its emphasis on providing standardized quality products with best in class services while abiding by all the measures concerning to environment and quality. "Maybe, we risk not to be the cheapest supplier but our customer can feel 100 percent sure that we adhere to the worldwide highest standards concerning environment, industrial safety, and a high range in sustainability," signifies Dipl. Ing. Timo Dreher, CTO at Dreher Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH.
Dreher accompanies its customer from their very first idea, through design, preparing final production drawings, prototypes right till the series maturity. It prepares drawings for the customers, search suitable raw material, manufactures the products as per their specification, install parts, and manages the additional purchased parts. For instance, in a project for the BMW AG in 2007 and 2008, Dreher developed, designed, and constructed a `Slipper-Clutch' for the motorbike `Boxer' from BMW. This clutch strongly improves the driving safety of motorbikes. In the meantime, its clutches are installed in series in all motorbikes of considerable motorcycle manufacturers. All in all, Dreher provides end-to-end solutions from the assembly to the purchased parts as per the requirements of the clients. "Difficult and impossible turned parts and milled parts, often even entire assemblies, which fall through the grid of other suppliers with their complexity. Materials that are difficult to machine, extreme geometries, and completely new manufacturing processes are our niche. And we fill this niche very broadly," concludes Dipl.Ing. Ingo Dreher, CEO at Dreher Präzisionsdrehteile GmbH.