An Innovator in It self
Mobility has been pioneering secure solutions for the connected world - mobile, cloud and devices since 2011. Having core competency in security, cloud, analytics and device engineering in the connected world has enabled the company to create a complete solution for its
customers in healthcare, automotive, industry 4.0 and home automation. "Our customers are easily able to make transition to IoT and take the first movers' advantage in technology including an efficient, secure, managed and robust solution," asserts Krish Kupathil, CEO, Mobiliya.
With IoT development that focuses on enabling an analytics based dashboard to enable a command center from a mobile device, Mobiliya helps businesses get a unified dash board for controlling multiple systems. The company is also signing partnerships with various IoT ecosystem players to provide an integrated user experience to businesses and individuals.
Mobiliya's expertise in security, apps, devices and mobility makes it the perfect partner for developing IoT solutions for consumers and enterprises. The company has now partnered with operators, device manufacturers and enterprises to deliver a range of IoT solutions spanning the home automation, healthcare and automotive sectors."We have also launched an IoT innovation lab that aims to create disruptive solutions for these sectors. The lab is envisioned to deliver software for IoT devices including sensors, gateway, wearable & healthcare devices
Mobiliya Expertise in security apps device and mobility makes it the perfect partner for developing IoT solution for consumer and enterprise.
With IoT development that focuses on enabling an analytics based dashboard to enable a command center from a mobile device, Mobiliya helps businesses get a unified dash board for controlling multiple systems. The company is also signing partnerships with various IoT ecosystem players to provide an integrated user experience to businesses and individuals.
Mobiliya's expertise in security, apps, devices and mobility makes it the perfect partner for developing IoT solutions for consumers and enterprises. The company has now partnered with operators, device manufacturers and enterprises to deliver a range of IoT solutions spanning the home automation, healthcare and automotive sectors."We have also launched an IoT innovation lab that aims to create disruptive solutions for these sectors. The lab is envisioned to deliver software for IoT devices including sensors, gateway, wearable & healthcare devices
along with securing communication and data in the connected ecosystem," says Krish. This lab is engaged in working on solving security and interoperability problems in the IoT space, and is also creating industry-specific solutions for healthcare, insurance, automotive and manufacturing. The company will soon be filing for some key IoT platform innovations.
Mobiliya frequently acts as an extended R&D arm for CIOs and CTOs of Fortune 500 companies, thanks to the best talents it has grabbed from across the world that work in tandem with India team to deliver innovative products and solutions. The 400+ employees across five R&D centers worldwide, including a branch in Srasco, Texas, have a strong DNA of innovation, and engineers are encouraged to tinker and find solutions to small problems. The team has recently started working on a cutting-edge technology involving Parallel Programming for compute-intensive image processing. Mobiliya is working on Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies for deployment with IoT for some innovative use cases.
Moving Further
Crowned by Frost & Sullivan for Innovation Leadership in Enterprise Mobility, and Microsoft Office App Award for Best Mobile App for its education solution, Mobiliya has also been rewarded by siliconindia and CIOReview along with Cool Vendor title by Gartner. With high plans of innovation that demands more monies, Mobiliya is looking for future rounds of funding.
Mobiliya frequently acts as an extended R&D arm for CIOs and CTOs of Fortune 500 companies, thanks to the best talents it has grabbed from across the world that work in tandem with India team to deliver innovative products and solutions. The 400+ employees across five R&D centers worldwide, including a branch in Srasco, Texas, have a strong DNA of innovation, and engineers are encouraged to tinker and find solutions to small problems. The team has recently started working on a cutting-edge technology involving Parallel Programming for compute-intensive image processing. Mobiliya is working on Augmented and Virtual Reality technologies for deployment with IoT for some innovative use cases.
Moving Further
Crowned by Frost & Sullivan for Innovation Leadership in Enterprise Mobility, and Microsoft Office App Award for Best Mobile App for its education solution, Mobiliya has also been rewarded by siliconindia and CIOReview along with Cool Vendor title by Gartner. With high plans of innovation that demands more monies, Mobiliya is looking for future rounds of funding.