
Sombansi Enviro Engg: Shaping India's Future with Zero-Sludge Technology & Converting Waste-Water to Biogas

Mahipat Singh, CEO & Founder

Mahipat Singh

CEO & Founder

Rising environmental awareness and the increasing impetus on finding methods to conserve water resources are boosting the demand for water treatment solutions. Within this landscape, there is further evolution with an increasing demand for systems that feature sustainability, and allow nature to treat nature through biological processes, presenting an environmentally friendly and effective manner of waste water treatment. Technologies like zero liquid discharge have also emerged as a critical method that paves the way for reuse and recycling of water.

As businesses, and municipalities increasingly adopt solutions for wastewater treatment, the regulatory frameworks are tightening to boost adherence to best practices. However, several industries with high BOD, COD and oil and grease content face critical challenges pertaining to primary sludge, conventional solutions for which can be quite expensive and unsustainable. Nevertheless, addressing these challenges with its proprietary SEEPL-CSTR Reactors is Sombansi Enviro Engg Pvt. Ltd. Established in 2000 and based in Ghaziabad, SEEPL is positioned as an industry pioneer, prominent for its innovative zero-sludge technology.

Comprehensive Water-to-Value Solutions

Boasting a broad solutions portfolio encompassing water treatment plants, effluent, treatment plants, sewage treatment plants, softeners, zero liquid discharge systems, reverse osmosis plants, and demineralization plants, SEEPL stands as a one-stop partner. The firm’s unique zero-sludge technology, facilitated by its CSTR reactor, leads to the conversion of BOD and COD into biogas, preventing the need for a primary treatment of the waste, which helps in minimizing chemical and sludge disposal cost. The biogas generated instead becomes reusable as energy, which further helps in creating an additional revenue stream from the generated biogas.

Beyond these key areas, the company also specializes in bio-methane plants wherein it converts cattle dung into CNG, and generates bio-fertilizers as well in the form of a by-product. Through its CBG/biogas plants, the company also converts cattle dung, napier grass, and municipal solid waste (MSW) into biogas, which then becomes capable of being converted into CBG.

“At Sombansi, we pride ourselves on delivering end-to-end solutions. We provide both manufactured products and services across the water and wastewater treatment sectors. However, beyond solutions, we also offer operations and maintenance services across sectors such as oil and gas, city gas
distribution, and the management of gas and water pipelines. With our advanced technology, wastewater is no longer just a waste, rather, it becomes an opportunity for energy recovery, reducing treatment costs and generating methane gas that can be used for energy or sold as compressed biogas (CBG)”, shares Mahipat Singh, CEO & Founder, SEEPL.

With a skilled team of over 500 professionals, bringing expertise into diversified fields, the company consists of multiple dedicated in-house design teams for process, civil, mechanical, and electrical work. Leveraging this robust in-house capability, the firm ensures top-quality execution of every endeavor, controlling every aspect of the project as needed, without the potential of delays or quality compromises.

What makes the firm stand out, however, is its focus on innovation, and utilization of advanced technologies such as having its CSTR anaerobic digesters equipped with German technology for greater energy efficiency. The transformation of its aerobic digestion systems from traditional diffused aeration to more space-efficient, and energy-saving technologies has also enabled the firm to offer more cost-effective, high-performance solutions.

SEEPL’s commitment to innovation has propelled its growth, pioneering zero sludge & biogas solutions in the dairy industry & beyond

Journey & Future Roadmap

SEEPL’s journey since its inception till now has been one of consistent innovation, evolutions, and advancement. During the initial years, the company focused on making the operation and maintenance of water treatment plants more seamless, eventually venturing into the manufacture of diverse water treatment products, including activated carbon filters, pressure sand filters, clarifiers, and crossflow separators. In time, the firm’s expertise in the domain expanded, as experience unraveled how minor improvements of design could revamp and optimize functionality of the treatment plants.

Venturing into civil, mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation services, the company boosted its inhouse teams, covering every aspect of plant design and construction, expanding operations across sectors to cover the oil and gas sector, continually enhancing its capabilities. Today, the firm handles the management of the entire mechanical maintenance of plants and City Gas Distribution lines.

“Our journey led us to a key realization that energy solutions, like CNG, are crucial for India’s future. After extensive R&D, we developed anaerobic digesters capable of reducing COD by 60-70 percent while producing methane (CH4), all with zero sludge generation, moving towards a sustainable, energy-efficient future. Moreover, we are one of the few specialized companies in the segment with two in-house manufacturing facilities- one for mild steel and the other exclusively for stainless steel.

We produce most of the equipment at our world class manufacturing units, which boosts our rate of success”, adds Mahipat Singh. "We have Installed and a state-of-the-art, fully SCADA based water treatment plant with Reverse Osmosis, MBR, and Ultrafiltration technology, allowing for single-room operation via a SCADA screen. Automated sampling and testing display results in real-time, making it possibly the first such facility in India”, adds Mahipat.

Dedicated to shaping India’s future in sustainability, the company is working towards a range of fascinating developments including a new digester design with an integrated gas holding system to save space. Moving forward, the firm is also looking into solutions which can treat municipal sewage with low-cost digestors, placing the firm as the provider of the most affordable and effective solutions in the sector. Alongside these goals, the firm is also relentlessly pursuing its long-term objectives of expanding its manufacturing capabilities for international markets, particularly in small packaged water treatment plants that meet global quality standards.