
Stepping off The Beaten Path

On behalf of the Silicon India Magazine, P. Tejaswini engages in a through conversation with Baljit Singh, Co-Founder, Simbo.Ai, in order to find out his exciting career journey in a more detailed manner, which we have briefly portrayed in this article.
The ever shifting economic and social landscape that the world is witnessing today is due to the emerging technologies which evolves almost every day. And, moving forward in this tech-led digital world, it is impossible for businesses to be hardwired themselves and emulate what they see without competing. Undoubtedly growing up entails learning to mimic the acts of others to fit in any circumstances, be it family, friends, society or business, nowadaysthere is formula for almost everything. There's always a programme, a webinar, or a course that claims to teach the potential learner the key to success.However, for many people, particularly entrepreneurs, success is not one-way or certain, instead when the one way goes wrong, they discover a new way to approach to the hindrance and ends-up with better answers than anybody and before anyone. As the adage goes, ‘It is impossible to buy success; you must discover it’. Such is the ongoing story of Baljit Singh, Co-Founder and CEO of Simbo AI. Let’s discover his journey.

A Quantum Jump from Semi-Conductor to Healthcare
Baljit’s adventure in the Semi-Conductor sector began after receiving his education at the Army Institute of Technology (AIT) in Pune and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Delhi. Despite having garnered a long experience in the industry, he made a 180-degree turn and embarked on a new professional path that is healthcare. Like every young Indian hailing from a humble family, he too wanted to become a doctor however circumstances did not permit and hence become an engineer. Though he studied engineering and pursued a career, the young Indian inside him never let him leave the field of healthcare and hence he again ventured into the field of medicine. And throughout his career, he always tried to gauge how he could leverage technology in order to aid the healthcare industry. Even though he was unable to make a mark in the medical field as a doctor, out of his guts and determination, he stepped onto the off-beaten path of becoming an engineer to take the healthcare industry by storm.

Pinnacle of Success
After quitting his job in 2012, he began his quest with a 6-month entrepreneurship programme. Using his entrepreneurial talents in tandem with his technological know-how, he began solving the groundwork for his adventure into the healthcare market and launched Mtatva. Basically, a digital nurse that greets the patient as soon as they leave the doctor's office and stays with them throughout their road to full recovery. A firm that is purely focuses on patient empowerment via technology. Furthermore, by leveraging AI communication technology, it assisted hospitals in improving outpatient to inpatient conversions. Baljit's efforts eventually paid off and he got the recognition of Healthcare Entrepreneur of the Year 2014 - Runner-up and had successfully filed five patents, which was more than winning.

Like the humble beginning it wasn't all smooth sailing throughout; he, too, tripped over a few cobblestones and got disappointed with the rate of his progress. Around 2015-16, he faced the same dilemma that most entrepreneurs do: to quits or to keep striving for success? He, like most great entrepreneurs, opted to persevere since giving up was not a part of his lexicon.

After months of debate over the absence of organised data transfer from paper medical records birthed Simbo AI, a hands-free AI resident doctor or more like a digital assistant to the doctor; educated in both Indian and worldwide medical lingo and is accurate even in loud environments. With Simbo AI doctors may bid farewell to their writing pads and just holler Simbo to write prescriptions, diagnoses, and any other notes the doctor wishes to make. And the biggest challenge was to create such revolutionised AI tool. As a result, BISLU was designed to justify any of the calls being taken by SIMBO. It's a one-of-a-kind Universal Natural Language Comprehending (NLU) and conversation-wide contextual intelligence for comprehending any natural human communication. Hence, Baljit defines Simbo AI as the pinnacle of his success.

Inspiration behind the Never Give-up Attitude
Driven primarily by his desire to learn new things he was deeply motivated by people around him at every stage of life.Butit was his youngest son who inspired him the most even though it took a while.He regales how, while dropping off his three-year-old at kindergarten, he was racing to button up his son's shirt as they were running late, but his son insisted preffered to do it himself even though it was just a cake walk for Baljit. It took a long for those tiny hands to button up, but eventually he succeeded. This is when Baljit realised that the path may appear dismal and difficult at first, but once you arrive, everything becomes far too simple. Since than he has never looked back. Baljit and his co-founder hit it off, and today they've been named the winners of the NASSCOM CoE's Healthcare Innovation Challenge (HIC) in the prescription digitisation area. Also in 2021, as the alumni of AIT, they were awarded with the successful entrepreneur award.

Advice for Young Entrepreneurs
In order to reach a new place,you have to leave the old one and the horizon is the limit here.I feel that an entrepreneur never completely arrives at his intended destination since they are continually striving for more. It's a never-ending tumultuous ride that includes a slew of, setbacks, disappointments and successes.