Gaurav Pratap Singh
While selling and buying might seem cake walk to most, vendors often struggle when it comes to finding the right buyer. “As we always say that there are two India one that is modern and tech smart; and the other that is yet to rise to this level we call it Bharat. The real business potential lies in this other India or Bharat. All that it needs is a little technological and digital up gradation. And this is where Dial4Trade comes into play,” says Gaurav Pratap Singh, Managing Director and Founder, Dial4Trade.
Headquartered in Delhi, Dial4Trade aims to help entrepreneurs to maximize the potential of their businesses digitally. Working with a vision to take small businesses to a global level, Dial4Trade has introduced BuyerConnect a platform which has dedicated teams with indepth knowledge of various industries. Through this service, potential buyers and sellers can connect with each other. Here, even if the seller cannot operate an email account, the Dial4Trade team helps them to operate their business online. They provide every small service and know how to digitally equip the small businesses. Another tool by Dial4Trade is Buyer Search which is designed to connect with the right buyers.
“The very first concern of a businessman is to find the right product to sell. Not every product will fetch you the buyer. In order to minimize this issue, Dial4Trade has created a buyer's list and products list online which is further boosted through messages and calls. Our next step is to analyze the buyer's shopping patterns and what influences his/her purchasing decisions. Social media and online reviews play a very crucial role in this regards. Dial4Trade facilitates buyer's recommendation for suppliers on their social media and own website which helps them to attract more online buyers. We also help them to convert potential clients into paying customers through their online chatting service where the buyers and sellers can converse and negotiate with each other,” briefs Gaurav.
The firm believes that in a successful company most work is accomplished by teams of individuals, because of this, it is important for employees to have the skills necessary to work effectively with others. “In our company, each member is responsible for contributing to the team, but the group as a whole is responsible for the team’s success. When people feel connected to their work culture, they also become more productive and engaged. They are more likely to actively seek out advancement and less likely to jump ship,”adds Gaurav Pratap Singh. Focused increasing trust between buyers and sellers, in the coming days, Dial4Trade will also vest its focus on becoming a complete product provider where a customer can use each and everything he requires in daily business. In this online world, it’s very difficult to build trust between buyers and sellers, and Dial4Trade is constantly striving to bridge this gap.
With a team that has both young and old members, Dial4Trade is proud about the pool of expertise and experience people its team reflects to work towards a common goal
“The very first concern of a businessman is to find the right product to sell. Not every product will fetch you the buyer. In order to minimize this issue, Dial4Trade has created a buyer's list and products list online which is further boosted through messages and calls. Our next step is to analyze the buyer's shopping patterns and what influences his/her purchasing decisions. Social media and online reviews play a very crucial role in this regards. Dial4Trade facilitates buyer's recommendation for suppliers on their social media and own website which helps them to attract more online buyers. We also help them to convert potential clients into paying customers through their online chatting service where the buyers and sellers can converse and negotiate with each other,” briefs Gaurav.
The firm believes that in a successful company most work is accomplished by teams of individuals, because of this, it is important for employees to have the skills necessary to work effectively with others. “In our company, each member is responsible for contributing to the team, but the group as a whole is responsible for the team’s success. When people feel connected to their work culture, they also become more productive and engaged. They are more likely to actively seek out advancement and less likely to jump ship,”adds Gaurav Pratap Singh. Focused increasing trust between buyers and sellers, in the coming days, Dial4Trade will also vest its focus on becoming a complete product provider where a customer can use each and everything he requires in daily business. In this online world, it’s very difficult to build trust between buyers and sellers, and Dial4Trade is constantly striving to bridge this gap.